mardi 3 juillet 2012

STUDY ABROAD: The Experience Senegal Program©

The Experience Senegal Program© at ACI’s Baobab Center uses the entire country as a classroom.  The program helps newcomers strengthen their language skills and cross-cultural competency and deepen their understanding of Senegal.  Students can sign up online as independent learners  for individual or group language courses, excursions and cross-cultural orientations or for entire Experience Senegal Programs© through their university or high school study abroad program. The Baobab Center staff works closely with each university program director to design customized courses, lectures and thematic visits that respond to the priorities and meet credit requirements of the institution and enrich the learning experience of the student.

mardi 22 mai 2012


Au jour le jour
Mène ta vie 
Dans les méandres
Du rire et de la joie
Ne l'oublies jamais
Et sois en satisfait.


Ganou  en songes
Olga joue et rigole
Ronronne le scanner
Awa à côté veille
Tonne Rogbo
Dr Moussa poliment salue
Nadège est à ses calculs
Bationo conduit
Luc relit et corrige
Dakissaga cause avec Théo
Sophie saoûle Morou
Laurentine dénoue sa scène
Amina soigne Biba
Noël sourit à Rokia
Lancelot écoute Kader
Michael éconduit Koumbango
Ousséni retrouve Tupac
Madou consulte les fétiches
Daour voyage dans les intrigues
Koro annonce la pause
Pascaline surveille l'entrée
Mooré et Dioula communient